So you want a good public speaker, who can win...Like Rubio...
A presidential candidate or any candidate can only be helped by public speaking ability. It was one of the first courses I took in college. But I have not even brought the subject up.
I also reject the "who can win" part of your analysis, because that should not matter to me in a primary. There were three situations in my past where I was led by my misunderstanding of the GOP and pragmatism where I held my nose and voted for someone who could win because that was what you did. It was called "Broken glass republican voting". I think that era is over. It was a artifact of being out of power for 30 years.
No, Trump has enough public speaking ability. If he wins the nomination he will have to use it. What he's lacking is the footnotes. The reasons why things are as they are and why he is the guy to fix it.
All I'm getting today and for the past several months is that "I will do it" and "you will like it". It's not enough, and it should not be enough for any thinking human being. I think it's a reaction to Obama, his minions, and the liberal lie. I think it's similar in nature to the last two major mistakes the country made with Carter and Obama (two timer) It's a emotional response, not a logical deliberation as it should be. It's dangerous and it's largely group think.
I'm not trying to insult anyone..I'm just asking for a pause to assess where we are today. If Trump is the nominee, then he is the nominee...I'll cross that bridge when I get to it. The general election is a year in the future. Much can happen and will.