Attack Washington?
Aw come on, why would you upset the biggest enablers?
GOOD! I don’t think they would attack the home of their leader.
Exactly. This is a testament to their fundamental stupidity.
Talking pretty big, for a group that, in absolute terms, is not particularly large. But like thugs everywhere, the numbers do not mean as much as the sheer ferocity of the attacks.
During the Second World War, the fanatics of the National Socialist Working-man’s Party of Germany, and the East Asian Co-Prosperity Sphere, had some soldiers serving in their names, that were, up to then, probably the most fierce of the modern era. The Japanese Bushido code warriors, in China, and the German Waffen-SchutzStaffel battle groups, mostly on the Eastern Front, were particularly savage and bloodthirsty troops, who ravaged the conquered lands seeking out potential resistance and exterminating them in a pretty ruthless manner.
And dang, seems like these guys were Boy Scouts compared to the ISIS irregulars.