Posted on 11/14/2015 5:22:57 PM PST by VaRepublican
In Islamist terrorism we face a violent and highly contagious madness that believes the killing of civilians is a moral act. Whatever this is, it is not a clash of civilizations. The concept of "civilization" scarcely comes into it. Nor is it a struggle between competing sets of values, or a religious war, or a battle with an alien culture. There is no debate here - as there was in the Cold War - about how it is best for men to live: the enemy has stated explicitly that it does not revere life at all. On the contrary, it is in love with self-inflicted death, which it sees as the highest moral achievement.
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The title is accurate.
The new peace symbol has the CROSS OF JESUS AT THE BOTTOM!! SEE IT?
Islam is incompatible with civilization.
The longer people continue to deny the true nature of Islam, the more people will die.
There can be no peace until there is either only Islam or no Islam according to their book.
At THE GATES OF VIENNA website, there is a link to a
PETITION to Obama demanding that a moratorium be
declared on ALL immigration from the Middle East PRONTO,
in light of the carnage in Paris initiated by the
Middle Eastern Jihadists!
This makes complete sense to a Bible believing Christian. The Koran tells its followers to either convert, enslave, or kill. And as the columnist notes, those that get killed by murdering non-islamics get an express ticket to their 'nirvana' (some sort of perpetual orgy).
So this is what Koran-believers are going to do. No mystery.
The mystery is why such a demonic book could take grip of people - but we know Satan hates people and knows our weaknesses, and he apparently co-authored a book that appeals to those whose god is lust.
I am on-board with the belief that the majority of members of this cult are 'good people' (understanding that it is God's refraining hand that keeps any of us 'good') - nonetheless no Nation should let Islam take root on its shores. It will just bring death and misery. And to those trapped (or deluded) by this cult - prayers and missionaries. But no open invitation for bringing in the poison.
King Obama has allowed millions of ISIS in our Country under the so call refugees label. America, when the siege starts, will have thousand die. King Obama is a very sick terrorists.
I checked out DU. Has all these threads about how ISIS is Bush fault. Those people people are delusional and in total denial.
I don’t like saying this but unless Western civilization is willing to act in what the left will call a genecidal way it has less than 10 years left.
FRANCE - deport every non-citizen Muslim, Man,woman, hild out of your Countryv for starters. Any French Muslim who is tied to ISIS in any way gets citizenship stripped and deported to the nearest Muslim country.
Close mosques in France if any radical talk or sermon is spoken.
F Mohamsandwich.
Good read, but I did not agree with everything. She failed to hammer home a sad truth about Europe (and the U.S.) that our leaders seem to believe the way to pacify those who would harm us is by inviting them to live with us. By bringing them here it’s somehow going to magically fix things in some magical “we are the world” video.
It does not work like that. The rate of assimilation has been very poor in Europe (I think it’s much higher here in the U.S.) so it is inevitable that disaffected young men are inevitably going to buy into false martyrdom. We provide no guidance, allow inflammatory Imams to preach hate, and can’t control what they access on the internet. Even then, so many sheeple are shocked when jihad happens. We are hopefully entangled into the mess of the Middle East and our administrations helped create the mess by supporting the Arab Spring and cheering the removal of leaders that kept a lid on extremism.
We are so fortunate that the Egyptian military stepped in when they did. Imagine how bad this situation would be with radical Jihadists still in charge of Egypt!
Jesus is LORD!!
hopelessly - not hopefully entangled
One would think that finally, this was a sufficiently sharp fetch upside the head to wake up even the sheeple.
Small enough number that people can grasp the horror, but not so large as to become “just a statistic”.
People flock to see something like “The Texas Chainsaw Murders” or “Silence of the Lambs”, but once the gore and slaughter disappears from the screen, they simply revert to the old framework of thinking, that they are invulnerable, and it is all fiction anyway.
But this was real people and it was happening in real time.
How much pain must there be before the natural somnolence is finally shaken off and some degree of self-preservation kicks in?
This is in a nutshell the problem....You are still trying to persuade people into something they see as evil when in reality they are the only killing religion the West left standing with their colonization of the world.
You do not reason with cannibals or headhunters, suttee or Thugism etc. YOU WIPE IT OUT. You let the people live that will change but you wipe out the religion period if you ever want this to stop.
Islam its slavery of women and it barbarism deserves to be wiped out just as any other cult that told its followers to murder. It is not rocket science.
When I said you I was talking about the person who wrote the article not you.
The title is accurate, but I still I don’t think they get it. What we’re dealing with here is not new to the West. The only response is to defeat and suppress it. You can’t reason with it or soft pedal it. The “we are the world” kumbaya crap isn’t going to work. No faith in that.
The complete sign should read, “Islam, the freedom to go to hell.”
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