And here’s what I’ve heard of the other two ‘racist’ incidents.
1. A black student was walking on the campus and heard someone shout the ‘N’ word. He saw no one, and wasn’t positive where it came from.
2. The other case, some guy shouted the ‘N’ word from a pickup that drove past a gathering of a black student organization.
And then the swastika incident. These are the three incidents that led to all the protests and apparent demands that the entire 35,000 student campus be subjected to some sort of ‘sensitivity’ training, the one guy’s supposed hunger strike, and that eventually led to the president’s resignation.
Has anyone heard any more details about these, or other incidents that were used to justify all the uproar at Missouri?
I’m trying to catch up on the news of the last couple days, so if this has been covered already, let me know.
I just read that the little freak who went on his hunger strike, because of blacks being oppressed, actually comes from a family worth millions.
Has this tid bit surfaced yet? Thanks