I think most of us would be happy if they would do their jobs, like securing the country from invasion, and stopped “helping” us by micro-managing the economy by raising minimum wages and putting an “Affordable Care” act in place so that businesses won’t hire people for more than 30 hours.
Next they’ll do some “Save the planet” fancy footwork that will help us even more ... just stop `resuscitating us and do the job the states created you to do, instead of being the Frankenstein monster sticking its nose in and breaking things left and right that we’ve come to know and loathe.
Here, here! Just properly do the job they’re elected to do.
But they can’t stop doing the K-Streeters bidding - as they also amass their own power and privilege. And they can’t keep their hands off our money.
We need a Trump or a Cruz to right the ship, imo.