As to your final (P), all without authority (OK, the importation thing, sure)....and see where that lawlessness has brought us; a Republic no more.
Sorry, I trust the ‘weight’ of science as much as I do those in govt; I trust your assertion of their veracity as the same (no offense). The FEDERAL govt has very few defined authorities; this NOT being one of ‘em.
Colorado and the rest are doing it correctly: acts of and by The People. They are again shown the failure of the notion of conscience through Law (they should have learned w/ the 18th...c’est la vie).
The FIRST question that should always be asked, “What/how/why/etc. can X be done w/out deprivation of Rights?”. We need to restore PERSONAL RESPONSIBILITY, not expand the Nanny State on what has been shown over and over and OVER to be an abject FAILURE.
You do trust the weight of facts, I hope. The cities of America are being destroyed by the Draino of illegal drugs. In my region of America, almost every lawless event is the result of minds rendered incapable of moral thinking because of illegal drug use. The choice is ours. Do we sit back and let this flood of drugs continue to cost society more damage? Or, do we stop it at its source? We have the technology to track the flow of illegal drugs into this country and we do not use it its full potential.