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To: spirited irish
Yet it does not follow from your conclusions that (as you put it), "the philosophy doesn't follow the money."

That wasn't its purpose. In posting that to you, it was to demonstrate that I've gone deeply into these issues. If you want the money trail, try this example.

It was during their exile in Babylon that apostate Jews developed their own magic way: Kabalah. After the dispersion some Jewish initiates of the magic way went East, into India, etc., while others went West (I know about the slander of those who say they are Jews and are not, but are a synagogue of Satan. Rev. 2:9)

For the foundations of that, look to Sanhedrin 98a. There you will find the Sabbateans.

Albert Pike – the most influential Freemason that has lived – has this to say about the Kabalah in his Morals and Dogma:

Albert Pike is a bit player by comparison. The Freemasons are being used, as are the Jesuits and Muslims by the way.

As it was in the days of Noah when men declared their own godhood so it will be again.

That He cleansed. Almost no one understands that the flood is THE Shabbat of the fourth commandment.

I went through all that mystic stuff when I first confronted Henry Lamb's Rise of the Global Green Religion in 1996, from Alice Bailey to Robert Muller. It's a way of organizing people but the goals are all about power.

18 posted on 11/07/2015 1:05:17 PM PST by Carry_Okie (Dupes for Donald, Chumps for Trump)
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To: Carry_Okie
Yes, the goals are all about power. Vaclav Klaus, president of the Czech Republic affirms this in his book, Blue Planet in Green Shackles. He warns the world about the 'chosen ones' ultimate goal: the elimination of freedom and argues that green pagan environmentalism masks socialism, communism, and fascism. The ultimate goal is,

"completely about power and the hegemony of the 'chosen ones' (as they see themselves) over the rest of us, about the imposition of the only correct worldview (their own), about the remodeling of the world."

Klaus further explains that the goal of green environmentalism and climate change is to completely destroy private property rights and the free enterprise system by limiting the "carbon footprint" of individuals and companies, growing the size of government, and ushering in global police state socialism. Klaus told the Washington Times: I understand that global warming is a religion conceived to suppress human freedom.

In an impeccably researched essay, Ascendancy of a Financial Criminal Elite, Prof. James Petras details the rise of a criminal consortium which he describes as the super wealthy of America and Europe:

.....the super-wealthy and their families have as much as $32 trillion (USD) of hidden assets in offshore tax havens, representing up to $280 billion in lost income tax revenue! This study excluded such non-financial assets as real estate, precious metals, jewels, yachts, race horses, luxury vehicles and so on. Of the $32 trillion in hidden assets, $23 trillion is held by the super-rich of North America and Europe." (

The super wealthy are mainly global corporatists and bankers:

England's leading banks, including Barclay's and a host of others, have been identified as having rigged the LIBOR, or inter-bank lending rate, for years in order to maximize profits. The Bank of New York, JP Morgan, HSBC, Wachovia and Citibank are among scores of banks, which have been charged with laundering drug money and other illicit funds according to investigations from the US Senate Banking Committees. Multi-national corporations receive federal bailout funds and tax exemptions and then, in violation of publicized agreements with the government, relocate plants and jobs in Asia and Mexico.

Yet while the goal is about power it is about so much more, in particular, it is about the answers to the ultimate questions: Where did everything come from? What is man and why does evil exist?

The most important element of Western civilization's worldview is its' radically unique conception of man as person because created in the spiritual image of the One God in three Persons:

"So God created man in his own image, in the image of God created he him; male and female created he them." Genesis 1:27

For fifteen hundred years, Christendom and then later Protestant America, had followed St. Augustine (AD 354-430) in affirming that as all men are the spiritual image-bearers of the transcendent Triune God then it logically follows that each person is a trinity of being — of soul, spirit, and body:

" The essence of the human is not the body, but the soul. It is the soul alone that God made in his own image and the soul that he loves....For the sake of the soul...the Son of God came into the world...." (Incomplete Work on Matthew, Homily 25, Ancient Christian Devotional, Oden and Crosby, p. 153)

In Biblical thought, the body is inert matter organized and vitalized by the soul. A human life is a soul which informs inert matter, thus a body without a soul is no more than a disorganized mass of cells that would quickly deconstruct. (Body, Mind, and Soul, Pastor Louis Pernot, Temple de l'Etoile, Paris, Nov. 28, 2010)

The noblest part of the soul is spirit (the heart), the unique property that distinguishes soul from matter. Spirit is immortal and self-aware. It can will and think and is freely responsible for what it thinks, wills, and does. In Christian thought, a person is a spirit and personality is the total individuality of the spirit. Without spirit there is no person.

The key to individual liberty in the temporal sphere is man's spiritual liberty contrasted against a genetically programmed animal-like orientation. Animals do not have spirits, which are linked to intelligence, imagination, sensitivity, self-consciousness, reflection and the capacity for truth and moral goodness.

A person is uniquely free because he can spiritually transcend matter to access the supernatural dimension as Paul affirms:

"Now the Lord is Spirit, and where the Spirit of the Lord is, there is freedom" (2 Cor. 3:17)

Man is God's spiritual image-bearer, and, said the brilliant French economist, statesman, and author Frederic Bastiat, this is the gift from God which includes the physical, intellectual and moral life:

" He has provided us with a collection of marvelous faculties. And He has put us in the midst of a variety of natural resources. By application of our faculties to these natural resources we convert them into products, and use them. Life, faculties, production — in other words, individuality, liberty, property — this is man (and) these three gifts from God precede all human legislation, and are superior to it. Life, liberty, and property do not exist because men have made laws. On the contrary, it was the fact that life, liberty, and property existed beforehand that caused men to make laws in the first place." (How Evil Works, David Kupelian, p. 8)

Vishal Mangalwadi, India's foremost Christian philosopher affirms that the unique concept of man as God's spiritual image-bearer gave birth to the belief in the unique dignity of human beings, and this is,

"...the force that created Western civilization, where citizens do not exist for the state but the state exists for the individuals. Even kings, presidents, prime ministers, and army generals cannot be allowed to trample upon an individual and his or her rights." (Truth and Transformation: A Manifesto for Ailing Nations, pp. 12-13)

Killing God; Dehumanizing Westerners Jesus to Buddha, " took God away from them (and) your espousal of an absence of self is the most unique and fearsome claim you made...You turned from Hinduism because it said there was an essential self, which they called the atman. " (The Lotus and the Cross: Jesus Talks with Buddha, Ravi Zacharias, pp.59, 67)

Following in Buddha's footsteps, Kant, Hegel, Marx, Darwin, Freud, and Nietzsche, among others, took the Triune God away, deconstructed man's soul and lies taught as truth. Eric Voegelin comments:

" ....the order of being (was) obliterated (and reinterpreted) as essentially under man's control. Taking control requires the decapitation of being — the murder of God." (Eric Voegelin, Science, Politics and Gnosticism, p. xv)

In place of man as God's spiritual image-bearer, the New Man is soulless beast-man or bio-machine, qualitatively no different from a rat, pig, or ape.

In no Western thinker has Buddha's nihilist doctrine been more clearly expressed than in Nietzsche's ecstatic utterance, God is dead. God is dead in the hearts of modern Westerners:

" ...and it is as true of the atheists and Satanists who rejoice in the fact, as it is of the unsophisticated multitudes....Man has lost faith in God and in the Divine Truth that once sustained him; the apostasy to worldliness that has characterized the modern age since its beginning becomes, in Nietzsche, conscious of itself and finds words to express itself. God is dead..." (Nihilism: The Root of the Revolution of the Modern Age, Eugene Rose, p. 60)

Prior to the turn of the century, the Triune God was already dead in the hearts of America's ruling class progressives, and upon the arrival of Swami Vivekananda at the Parliament of Religions in Chicago in 1893 they eagerly embraced him. Vedanta Societies were established in America and Europe for the purpose of injecting Vedantic ideas into the bloodstream of the West and America. Among those who helped disseminate Vedanta monism were Aldous Huxley, Christopher Isherwood, Somerset Maugham, and Teilhard de Chardin.

The Sixties witnessed a whole series of Indian gurus make their mark on the student generation. Popular culture was introduced to any number of nature- beliefs, from Vedanta monism, Zen Buddhism, pantheism, panentheism, reincarnation and karma to belief in a vague immanent 'force,' World Soul, Gaia (Mother Earth) and Teilhard de Chardin's Omega Point.

It is already the case that for increasing numbers of contemporary believers the death of the Triune God has made it impossible for them to affirm the existence of the human self thus they actively seek the annihilation of their souls through drugs, Tantric sex, yoga, and meditation. As with Buddha and contemporary Hindu gurus some initiates are trying to merge their individual consciousness with the void.

For over two hundred years, nihilist philosophies have been working their way through our culture, embedding themselves, often unconsciously, within our psyches. This means that not only is the way we see ourselves, our Constitution, liberties and America colored by nihilism, but to the degree that our minds have been polluted are we immobilized by apathy, the spiritual emptiness that says in reaction to our twisted, degraded, lawless culture, Why bother?

The foundation stone of modern nihilist philosophies is the claim made by the power elite and their minions of scientific neutrality as a general operating assumption. Two applications of modernist thought evidence this: evolution (anti-creation account/relentless change/relativism), an inverted exegesis that deconstructs and reduces man in the spiritual image of the Trinity to evolved ape, and deconstructionism (destructive criticism/critical theory). Along with evolution, deconstructionism is a form of relativism or nihilism that for more than eighty years has been spilling into and contaminating our moral and culture sustaining institutions from seminaries and Biblical scholarship to academia, law, media, arts, and politics, thence our minds, individually and collectively.

So yes, it is about power. But it's also about why ideas have consequences but more importantly, why evil ideas have evil consequences, which is why 'dehumanized' Westerners and Americans are trapped in an alternative reality, a spiritually empty psychic cage, a matrix consisting of lies invented and maintained by the power elite and their yes-men. This is why most W. Europeans are so apathetic that they'll ultimately submit to the invasion of their homeland rather than fight. And finally, it is why there exists a need for thinkers to unpack, analyze, expose and refute evil ideas and lies.

20 posted on 11/07/2015 3:55:17 PM PST by spirited irish
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