“Apparently he is hiding something. I’d say money management is not Rubio’s strong point.”
People are either moral or they aren’t. In the business world I was a stickler for keeping my personal business separate from company business. I never used a company credit card for personal use. The times my wife accompanied me to a business dinner I paid for her meal out of my own money. I carried two cell phones, one for personal use and one for company use. I never sent or accepted personal emails on the company email system and I never received or sent company emails on my personal email account. I turned down vendor trips and Christmas gifts so there would be no real or perceived obligations to any supplier.
Rubio’s issue isn’t money management. It is a moral issue. If he doesn’t understand he shouldn’t use money he hasn’t earned to pay personal expenses, he is not an honorable man. Doing the right thing is not something a virtuous person has problems with, whether or not he is good with math.
Rubio is also known for conning voters as shown by his lies regarding amnesty. I agree he is not a moral man. There are also various rumors that may or may not be true.