I only get to watch the first 12 minutes of Mourning Joe but I am impressed how informative and honest they have been lately. I keep waiting for them to go back to the MSDNC farm, but not yet.
I TIVO the show, but today I was awake -— (I haven’t yet changed my clocks! LOL)
I think they’ve changed because both Joe and Mika TRULY LIKE Mr. Donald Trump and so they’re both MAD at the lamestream, too!
Joe is still a bit hesitant to actually knock his friend, Jeb, and he’s also too nice to Fatso Christie for my liking, but he’s otherwise been A-OKay thus far, IMO.
Almost everyone I know, despises Mika, but thus far, I don’t mind her at all! She LIKES Donald Trump, so I like her! LOL.
I despise Barnicle, but he is a typical Massachusetts demonic-rat - dull, stupid, stubborn and slow to catch-on (as in almost retarded).
Yes they have been honest, thanks to Trump. I’m impressed that Joe is not too proud to change his mind in the face of facts and logic.