No, WE conservatives, WE patriots, WE loyal Americans (the word we does not suggest anything including you) did NOT put Obozo in the White House. His re-election was a lead pipe cinch guarantee the moment that Romney, Wall Street, K Street, the abortionists, the gun grabbers, the fudge packer "marriage" lobby, the peace at any price tribe, etc., etc., etc. BOUGHT the GOP-E nomination for the slimy bastard that is Willard or Obozo in whiteface. You sound like Willard offered you a job. If not then your Pollyanna has outstripped any rationality that may have remained to you. Nominate another turd like Romney and you will be saying hello to POTUS Hillary.
WE (as defined above) simply refused to dishonor ourselves, our party and our nation by joining YOU in voting for Willard who is every bit as reprehensible a waste of oxygen as his mommy and daddy before him and likely his kids after him.