Ted, you are too good a man to fall for the sideways attack comparing yourself to another man, especially that one...
No this is not your course, talk of the future and your plans and begin at least in your mind assembling your team...
God tells us look neither to the Left or Right (interesting) but keep our eyes fixed firmly on the pure light of Truth...
Mitch will do just fine sputtering at the side of the road wondering why no one has to listen to him anymore, poetic justice, a windbag with no sails...
That ship is going a New Direction...
He knows what he’s doing.
Or Mitch ends up with a lush lobbying career after the tenure of his elected office ends, continuing his fight for leftist ideals and making a huge salary doing so.
It’s time we call out the traitors for what they are and do what we can to shut them down.