“I thought it was Trump, Cruz and Rubio?”
Can you please explain why? I’ve heard that but just don’t get it.
You know I’m in for Trump, but debates are not his strength. He did ok, but nothing like Cruz and Rubio. And I despise the little Rubamnesty but have to admit he was pretty good. He does speak well, unfortunately.
Well when you are the front runner you don’t have to win the debate you just have to not screw up. Trump did not screw up. So his poll numbers are not going to slip.
Cruz will come up and I would say that Rubio will continue as a distant third but Trump seems to be going for the kill shot today with his interview on Breitbart. Some stuff I did not know about Rubio’s H1-B visa bill and his lack of support for the fired Disney workers. Its all negative and refutes some of Rubio’s statements from the debate last night.
Personally I think this will quickly shake out into a 2 man race with Trump and Cruz. Some of these guys will hang around but they will have no effect on the race due to such low poll numbers.