Posted on 10/28/2015 4:21:40 PM PDT by fifedom
House lawmakers in both parties joined forces Wednesday to pass a sweeping budget deal that marks both a parting victory for outgoing Speaker John Boehner (R-Ohio) and a valedictory gift for his likely replacement, Rep. Paul Ryan (R-Wis.).
The final vote was 266 to 167, with 79 Republicans joining every Democrat in sealing passage. Ryan was among the supporters.
(Excerpt) Read more at ...
Pretty much.
Give up you say? Great strategy. Can anyone second this?
With this action the republican party has essentially removed the debt ceiling, entirely. They have also just extended unlimited federal spending through a continuing resolution through March 2017. sellout by a corrupt lazy corporatist political party.
I would have changed my party affiliation a few years ago but I saw no benefit to doing so unless I went to a viable, real political party and not just a generalized Independent status.
The fact is, 2014 was the last time I supported the party, and I feel totally used like a ignorant schmuck.
I really did not plan to vote at all in the general election if my choice was the usual GOP candidate..
Trump does not change that very much for me. I am supporting Cruz. We will see how it goes...but I think the best thing for this country, assuming we can not get a very special man at the helm, would be to kill it quickly and get the goat roping, bull ridin, full Monte civil war going good...and take it all back...the hard way.
As we also clean up the resident Evil.
Has anyone seen a list of the 79 yet?
Anyone hear Rush’s radio show today?
He was talking about this “budget deal” and boy was he pissed.
I hope someone can post a list of these 79 backstabbers.
Pork lots of Pork..
They’re just “reaching across the aisle” and getting
their arms gnawed off like Bush always liked to do.
Is “working with Democrats” ever a two-way street?
-P.J. O'Rourke
Well then step up and vote for people worth voting for. Have you? I have.
Here is the roll call:
The 266-167 roll call Wednesday by which the House passed the bipartisan budget-and-debt deal that averts a federal financial crisis and lifts onerous spending caps for the Pentagon and domestic agencies.
A “yes” vote is a vote to pass the measure.
Voting yes were 187 Democrats and 79 Republicans.
Voting no were 0 Democrats and 167 Republicans.
X denotes those not voting.
Democrats Sewell, Y.
Republicans Aderholt, N; Brooks, N; Byrne, N; Palmer, N; Roby, N; Rogers, Y.
Republicans Young, N.
Democrats Gallego, Y; Grijalva, Y; Kirkpatrick, Y; Sinema, Y.
Republicans Franks, N; Gosar, N; McSally, Y; Salmon, N; Schweikert, N.
Republicans Crawford, N; Hill, N; Westerman, N; Womack, Y.
Democrats Aguilar, Y; Bass, Y; Becerra, Y; Bera, Y; Brownley, Y; Capps, Y; Cardenas, Y; Chu, Judy, Y; Costa, Y; Davis, Y; DeSaulnier, Y; Eshoo, Y; Farr, Y; Garamendi, Y; Hahn, Y; Honda, Y; Huffman, Y; Lee, Y; Lieu, Ted, Y; Lofgren, Y; Lowenthal, Y; Matsui, Y; McNerney, Y; Napolitano, Y; Pelosi, Y; Peters, Y; Roybal-Allard, Y; Ruiz, Y; Sanchez, Linda T., Y; Sanchez, Loretta, Y; Schiff, Y; Sherman, Y; Speier, Y; Swalwell, Y; Takano, Y; Thompson, Y; Torres, Y; Vargas, Y; Waters, Maxine, Y.
Republicans Calvert, Y; Cook, Y; Denham, Y; Hunter, N; Issa, N; Knight, N; LaMalfa, N; McCarthy, Y; McClintock, N; Nunes, Y; Rohrabacher, N; Royce, Y; Valadao, Y; Walters, Mimi, Y.
Democrats DeGette, Y; Perlmutter, Y; Polis, Y.
Republicans Buck, N; Coffman, N; Lamborn, N; Tipton, N.
Democrats Courtney, Y; DeLauro, Y; Esty, Y; Himes, Y; Larson, Y.
Democrats Carney, Y.
Democrats Brown, Y; Castor, Y; Deutch, Y; Frankel, Y; Graham, Y; Grayson, Y; Hastings, Y; Murphy, Y; Wasserman Schultz, Y; Wilson, Y.
Republicans Bilirakis, N; Buchanan, Y; Clawson, N; Crenshaw, Y; Curbelo, Y; DeSantis, N; Diaz-Balart, Y; Jolly, Y; Mica, Y; Miller, N; Nugent, N; Posey, N; Rooney, N; Ros-Lehtinen, Y; Ross, N; Webster, N; Yoho, N.
Democrats Bishop, Y; Johnson, Y; Lewis, Y; Scott, David, Y.
Republicans Allen, N; Carter, N; Collins, N; Graves, N; Hice, Jody B., N; Loudermilk, N; Price, Tom, N; Scott, Austin, N; Westmoreland, N; Woodall, N.
Democrats Gabbard, Y; Takai, Y.
Republicans Labrador, N; Simpson, Y.
Democrats Bustos, Y; Davis, Danny, Y; Duckworth, Y; Foster, Y; Gutierrez, Y; Kelly, Y; Lipinski, Y; Quigley, Y; Rush, Y; Schakowsky, Y.
Republicans Bost, Y; Davis, Rodney, Y; Dold, Y; Hultgren, N; Kinzinger, Y; LaHood, N; Roskam, N; Shimkus, N.
Democrats Carson, Y; Visclosky, Y.
Republicans Brooks, Y; Bucshon, N; Messer, Y; Rokita, N; Stutzman, N; Walorski, N; Young, N.
Democrats Loebsack, Y.
Republicans Blum, N; King, N; Young, N.
Republicans Huelskamp, N; Jenkins, N; Pompeo, N; Yoder, N.
Democrats Yarmuth, Y.
Republicans Barr, Y; Guthrie, Y; Massie, N; Rogers, Y; Whitfield, N.
Democrats Richmond, Y.
Republicans Abraham, N; Boustany, N; Fleming, N; Graves, N; Scalise, Y.
Democrats Pingree, Y.
Republicans Poliquin, Y.
Democrats Cummings, Y; Delaney, Y; Edwards, Y; Hoyer, Y; Ruppersberger, Y; Sarbanes, Y; Van Hollen, Y.
Republicans Harris, N.
Democrats Capuano, Y; Clark, Y; Keating, Y; Kennedy, Y; Lynch, Y; McGovern, Y; Moulton, Y; Neal, Y; Tsongas, Y.
Democrats Conyers, Y; Dingell, Y; Kildee, Y; Lawrence, Y; Levin, Y.
Republicans Amash, N; Benishek, Y; Bishop, N; Huizenga, N; Miller, Y; Moolenaar, N; Trott, N; Upton, Y; Walberg, N.
Democrats Ellison, Y; McCollum, Y; Nolan, Y; Peterson, Y; Walz, Y.
Republicans Emmer, N; Kline, Y; Paulsen, N.
Democrats Thompson, Y.
Republicans Harper, Y; Kelly, N; Palazzo, N.
Democrats Clay, Y; Cleaver, Y.
Republicans Graves, N; Hartzler, Y; Long, N; Luetkemeyer, Y; Smith, N; Wagner, N.
Republicans Zinke, N.
Democrats Ashford, Y.
Republicans Fortenberry, Y; Smith, N.
Democrats Titus, Y.
Republicans Amodei, N; Hardy, N; Heck, N.
Democrats Kuster, Y.
Republicans Guinta, N.
Democrats Norcross, Y; Pallone, Y; Pascrell, Y; Payne, Y; Sires, Y; Watson Coleman, Y.
Republicans Frelinghuysen, Y; Garrett, N; Lance, N; LoBiondo, Y; MacArthur, Y; Smith, N.
Democrats Lujan Grisham, Y; Lujan, Ben Ray, Y.
Republicans Pearce, N.
Democrats Clarke, Y; Crowley, Y; Engel, Y; Higgins, Y; Israel, Y; Jeffries, Y; Lowey, Y; Maloney, Carolyn, Y; Maloney, Sean, Y; Meeks, X; Meng, Y; Nadler, Y; Rangel, Y; Rice, Y; Serrano, Y; Slaughter, Y; Tonko, Y; Velazquez, Y.
Republicans Collins, Y; Donovan, Y; Gibson, Y; Hanna, Y; Katko, Y; King, Y; Reed, Y; Stefanik, Y; Zeldin, N.
Democrats Adams, Y; Butterfield, Y; Price, Y.
Republicans Ellmers, N; Foxx, N; Holding, N; Hudson, X; Jones, N; McHenry, Y; Meadows, N; Pittenger, Y; Rouzer, N; Walker, N.
Republicans Cramer, Y.
Democrats Beatty, Y; Fudge, Y; Kaptur, Y; Ryan, Y.
Republicans Boehner, Y; Chabot, N; Gibbs, N; Johnson, Y; Jordan, N; Joyce, Y; Latta, N; Renacci, N; Stivers, Y; Tiberi, Y; Turner, Y; Wenstrup, N.
Republicans Bridenstine, N; Cole, Y; Lucas, Y; Mullin, N; Russell, N.
Democrats Blumenauer, Y; Bonamici, Y; DeFazio, Y; Schrader, Y.
Republicans Walden, Y.
Democrats Boyle, Brendan F., Y; Brady, Y; Cartwright, Y; Doyle, Michael F., Y; Fattah, Y.
Republicans Barletta, N; Costello, Y; Dent, Y; Fitzpatrick, Y; Kelly, N; Marino, N; Meehan, Y; Murphy, N; Perry, N; Pitts, N; Rothfus, N; Shuster, Y; Thompson, Y.
Democrats Cicilline, Y; Langevin, Y.
Democrats Clyburn, Y.
Republicans Duncan, N; Gowdy, N; Mulvaney, N; Rice, N; Sanford, N; Wilson, Y.
Republicans Noem, N.
Democrats Cohen, Y; Cooper, Y.
Republicans Black, N; Blackburn, N; DesJarlais, N; Duncan, N; Fincher, N; Fleischmann, N; Roe, N.
Democrats Castro, Y; Cuellar, Y; Doggett, Y; Green, Al, Y; Green, Gene, Y; Hinojosa, Y; Jackson Lee, Y; Johnson, E. B., Y; O’Rourke, Y; Veasey, Y; Vela, Y.
Republicans Babin, N; Barton, N; Brady, Y; Burgess, N; Carter, Y; Conaway, Y; Culberson, Y; Farenthold, N; Flores, N; Gohmert, N; Granger, Y; Hensarling, N; Hurd, N; Johnson, Sam, N; Marchant, N; McCaul, N; Neugebauer, N; Olson, N; Poe, N; Ratcliffe, N; Sessions, N; Smith, N; Thornberry, Y; Weber, N; Williams, N.
Republicans Bishop, N; Chaffetz, N; Love, N; Stewart, N.
Democrats Welch, Y.
Democrats Beyer, Y; Connolly, Y; Scott, Y.
Republicans Brat, N; Comstock, Y; Forbes, N; Goodlatte, N; Griffith, N; Hurt, N; Rigell, Y; Wittman, N.
Democrats DelBene, Y; Heck, Y; Kilmer, Y; Larsen, Y; McDermott, Y; Smith, Y.
Republicans Herrera Beutler, N; McMorris Rodgers, Y; Newhouse, N; Reichert, Y.
Republicans Jenkins, N; McKinley, N; Mooney, N.
Democrats Kind, Y; Moore, Y; Pocan, Y.
Republicans Duffy, N; Grothman, N; Ribble, N; Ryan, Y; Sensenbrenner, N.
Republicans Lummis, N.
Point 1: most of the spending by the Federal government is on Social Security, Medicare, Medicaid, and (lately) ObamaCare.
Add in the Welfare of the "takers".......
(Universal Program for Subsidized Phones for Low Income (ObamaPhones), EBT Food Stamps, Section 8 Housing, Unemployment, TANF Welfare, Energy Assistance, EITC, Foster Care Title IV, Old Age Assistance, AFDC, General Assistance Cash, Assets for Independence, General Assistance to Native Americans, SCHiP State Supplemental Health Insurance Program, Consolidated Health Centers, Consolidated Community Health, Maternal and Child Health Assistance Fund, Healthy Start, School Lunch, Job Assistance, Job Training, Minority Job Assistance, Job Relocation, Woman Infants and Children's Program, Nutrition for the Elderly, Summer Program, Summer Jobs Program, Minority Summer Jobs, Hispanic Jobs Program, African-American Jobs Program, Commodity Supplemental Food Program, Special Milk Program, Needy Families, Farmer's Market Nutrition Program, Public Housing, Low Income Energy Assistance, Migrant Education, Title One Grants to Local Education Authorities, Education for Homeless Children and Youth, Even Start, Job Corps, Social Security Disability, Social Security for Refugees, Social Security for Humanitarian Cases, Social Security for Asylum, Health Marriage and Responsible Fatherhood Grants, TANF Child Care, Empowerment Zones for Minority Communities, Urban Development Action Grants, and Family Planning (abortion)
.....and we have a real problem.
The problem is not Defense (2.3% of all spending), or Federal workers.....the problem is Entitlements.
Both earned, and unearned.
It is become self-evident that elections are an exercise in futility in this Fascist/Communist dictatorial government attempting to put us all in chains.
We have moved past practicing insanity and recognize where this nation has arrived. We know that tyrants cannot be stopped via civil means.
We are investing our time in necessary strategies to defend and survive what tyrants will bring to bear upon those of us who refuse to bend the knee.
You and yours are welcome to continue playing their game and deluding yourself that elections are going to stop tyranny.
never, ever voting again. Let em get some other suckers but this old man is done.
not me, sorry, but Im sure someone will post it here soon...
there are some very very sharp posters here
I am registered to vote don’t worry! Absentee
appears to be the only R from WI who did...
What to go GOPe...
I’m going galt... make just enough to get by and hide a bit. No sense feeding the beast
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