I know I’ll get some flak for this, but...
This is New York State business.
Federal Court just says (rightly, IMO), “It’s none of our business.” Doesn’t mean that they approve of it.
Should have been taken up with the NY State Supreme Court.
If you want a ‘republican form of government’ this is it in action.
Incorrect, under the incorporation doctrine of the 14th amendment.
States are also not allowed to abridge the 2nd.
“Congress shall make no law...”
You nailed it.
So, a state could ban firearms, cancel elections, outlaw Christianity, shutdown all but state news sources, and the Feds have no say?
A baker wont bake a cake for a pervert event and the Feds assist yhe state in hammerinv them, but cancelling 2A at the state level should be OK with the Fed.
You deserve some.
This is New York State business.
Wrong. this is the business of the people, concerning their God-given, UNALIENABLE rights, which precede and supersede all man-made laws and constitutions.
Federal Court just says (rightly, IMO), Its none of our business.
The securing of the God-given, unalienable rights of the people is the reason all legitimate governments exist. Not only is it their "business," it is their very raison d'etre.
Doesnt mean that they approve of it.
Their approval or disapproval is not optional. The securing of the God-given, unalienable rights of the people is the reason all legitimate governments exist.
Should have been taken up with the NY State Supreme Court.
The securing of the God-given, unalienable rights of the people is the reason all legitimate governments exist. That includes the NY State Supreme Court.
If you want a republican form of government this is it in action.
The securing of the God-given, unalienable rights of the people is the reason all legitimate governments exist. That's the first premise of the American republican form of government. Without this principle, the American republican form of government is dead.