The road to liberty is to found by ... (wait for it)...the pursuit of liberty! Utilitarianism is a morally bankrupt philosophy and a justification for government totalitarianism. For a moral and religious people a smaller government will provide the conditions for the blessings of liberty. A benevolent dictator is still a dictator.
Power of government is like Tolkien's Ring of Power.
It is far more powerful than I ever dared to think at first, so powerful that in the end it would utterly overcome anyone of mortal race who possessed it. It would possess him."
--- The Lord of the Rings
The reality is that Liberals are already using this power against us. Turning the tables on them is only the start of a long term solution. We have to defeat them first. Fighting fire with fire is the best way to accomplish this.
You are suggesting we do like Mitch McConnell, and throw away the 50 vote "Nuclear option" which the Liberals did not hesitate to use on us. We must throw it away because we are too ethical to hoist them by their own petard.
That is the Balderdash.