If indeed she never saw them, which I believe is quite possible, it's probably because her deputies were afraid to "bother" her with them, fearing she would tell them to F__k off!
Hillary will tell the committee the Ambassador’s cables weren’t sent to her private server so she never saw them.
Probably a “Do not Disturb” sign when Huma is around.
Hmmm. Let Kennedy take the fall. Get back at the Kennedys for endorsing Obama.
Here is a Washington Times (pro Republican DC paper) describing “chaotic scramble” at the CIA that day. Question: What was Petraeous doing that day, or was he busy with his outside love interest and socializing with the Islamic crowd in Florida. Several sources seem to think that the CIA and State Department were not cooperating very much in Libya.
I briefly listened to radio reports of today’s testimony (Wed.) and the impression I got was that about 5 different sources of possible aid were all told to stand down or wait. So immediately my paranoid imagination went to work, and I asked myself “who would have the power to do that, and who would benefit”. After several hours of thinking I decided that only key powers in the previous administration would have that wide a reach, and that perhaps at that time they would think Jeb Bush would be most likely to benefit. My best friend says I am a paranoid nut. What do you folks think??
This withholding of military support sounds particularly damning:
Here is the Wall Street Journal take on what to look for at Thursday’s (10/22/15) hearing with Hillary and all.
Back during the fight to dump Ghadaffi, I was following this whole event rather carefully. Apparently Stevens had been active in Libya several months before the end, which is one reason he was named Ambassador. He knew the risks. After the disaster I looked carefully at photos of the diplomatic compound in Benghazi. It was surrounded by an 8 to 10 foot wall that any athletic teenager with a companion could get over easily. The main buildings did not look very easy to defend either. I have searched now for some of these photos of the wall but could not find them.