To: afraidfortherepublic
If the man running our spy agency still has an AOL account, he are screwed.
To: Vermont Lt
To: Vermont Lt
Honest people who are comfortable with being legally accountable for their actions use their work email account for all work communications.
To: Vermont Lt
If the man running our spy agency still has an AOL account, he are screwed. BADA-BING !
19 posted on
10/19/2015 10:44:26 AM PDT by
Iron Munro
(The wise have stores of choice food and oil but a foolish man devours all he has. Proverbs 21:20)
To: Vermont Lt
AOL Keyword: Lamont you big dummy!
27 posted on
10/19/2015 10:54:53 AM PDT by
To: Vermont Lt
Have heard over the years that Brennan is a Muslim convert...perhaps only AOL is Halaal. is powered by software copyright 2000-2008 John Robinson