I like her a lot we are friends.
However, I am a woman and no matter how much she has changed, I am, no doubt, talking to a man.
You cannot take it out of them and vice versa. And she gets along with the men better, can horse around with them. SPeaks the same language if you will.
So yeah its a mental disorder but this person still serves others a lot. I cannot say I identify with her at all but she is a good person.
Some years ago a young woman came into our area. She was angry because the men wouldn't let her use the men's shower room. She was the first transgender I had ever seen.
She had a blonde stubble and large breasts. She wouldn't use the women's locker room because she insisted that she was a man.
Finally, I let her use our teacher's bathroom.
She didn't last long and dropped out -- much to the relief of our staff.
HOW SAD that the doctors, shrinks, school counselors and such even STARTED the whole mess with even LISTENING to people whine and moan about "not being comfortable" in the body God gave them...and MISUSING medical technology to make matters EVEN WORSE for them.