A cruise liner sinks and a lone-surviving Jew is able to swim to a deserted island. Years later he’s found by a passing vessel and they find him and ask about his ordeal and the multiple constructions he’s built.
“That’s my synagogue....that’s my house....that’s my supply shed...that’s my fish smoking/drying hut.....that’s another sysnagogue....”
“Wait— you just said that was the synagogue. Why did you build two just for yourself?”
“That’s the one I pray in and THAT’s the one I won’t step foot in...”
Probably comes close to happening. Someone is inspired to and leads a movement and then finds some reason not to get along with it any more... it is a pan-faith problem. To apply just the right touch to bring God into the picture without pulling the picture down under men’s feet is the balance problem. Some systems fundamentally are better suited to being able to do that than others are, and that’s about all I choose to say here about it.