Nobody with two brain cells to rub together believes this is all an act. While Trump’s personality doesn’t correlate to narcissism, it is clear that he loves being liked. Yet what the nay chorus is saying is that he would do all this work to get into the WH, and then make certain he was hated, loathed, despised and a laughing stock.
I.e.: if Trump reveals all his promises to have been merely a contemptible act to win the election, those who voted for him would storm the WH with tar, feathers and pitchforks. The idea that this is what Trump wants is beyond ludicrous and into the zone of psychotic.
Plus, as I said, above and beyond all else, Trump loves the USA. If as POTUS he can concomitantly work to make the country great again while becoming a hero in the eyes of those who voted for him...well duh. It doesn’t take a MENSA mentality to figure out what will happen.
Well said!