This is all lawyer think. There’s too damn many lawyers. No one in their right mind thinks in these terms.
“This is all lawyer think. Theres too damn many lawyers. No one in their right mind thinks in these terms.”
I don’t know if this is related, but your comment made me think of the time in 1999 I was flying back from Las Vegas to Montreal and I had to change planes in Cincinnati. For a lark (based on what my Dad had done earlier when he was in another U.S. city), I looked at a Cincinnati yellow pages and turned to the “Attorneys” section. It was about 60-70 pages thick. Cincinnati is about roughly the same size as Ottawa but probably has about twice the number of lawyers and I had a good chuckle telling my Dad about this. Don’t mean to play sanctimonious Canadian (as it is pretty bad here too concerning that), but really does seem all of these lawyers have created such a silly and ridiculous climate for something like this.
Bingo, and liberal lawyer-think at that