Something odd about Ben Carson..
Did a Google “open” search (name only) and got the following results of total hits...
138 Million
195 Million
The key for me is the age and nature of Carson’s “presence” on the web is much older, the 138 Million was with articles back to May 2015 on the first page...
Old News...
So who is putting all the air in the Carson balloon with no record of engagement or really much being done...
Simplest answer would be the Carson is the one responsible for his popularity.
Put the names in quotes. Otherwise google will give you results for the first and last names on their own, as well as the full names. Trump is a much less common surname name than Carson, which is why it gives fewer results when no quotes are used.
The people who keep vomiting hate at Carson can thank themselves for the attention he is getting. The more people scream bile at Carson, the more people pay attention to him, the more they like what they are hearing.