So true. She tried to pull off a 'concern troll' move with her question about him being anti-woman, asking him how he will handle it when the lib dems attack him on it.
But before she could finish the question/attack, he destroyed her argument by blurting out "Only to Rosie O'Donnell", which made the audience laugh at her.
she was clearly pissed and hurt, but then her true rude radical-feminist face revealed itself, and she angrilly asked him the rest of her question/attack.
He held his own, but I lost all respect for Kelly that day. And I have lost all respect for Fox, because of it.
Yes, his counter attack was quick and decisive, pointing out that kelly was being politically correct.
Prior to the debate, I was a fan of megyn and her show. But I too lost all respect for both megyn and fox that night and haven't watched them since.
Can’t trust her again