A current result of rewilding - Airlifting Pregnant Caribou Away From Wolves
One of many....the elk and caribou herds in many areas of the west are decimated and beyond recovery thanks to grizzlies and wolves. Meantime the Sierra club pukes and Earthfirst scum are tying up proposals to hunt them in the federal courts because they are way overpopulated. Keeping them listed as endangered when in fact they are anything but is the game.
A big part of agenda 21 includes removing reasons for humans to be in rural areas, so the focus now is on taking away hunting, ranching and farming. The best way to do that is with the use of apex predators in huge populations. Oh, and feeding the koolaid to the leftist low IQ followers and worshippers of Gaiea.
“Oh, and feeding the koolaid to the leftist low IQ followers and worshippers of Gaiea.”
There is hope. The gal on C2C is a Democrat! Her website is
She was saying how lots of liberals like the concepts of globalism and socialism, until they realize that Agenda 21 takes away the individual, and she doesn’t see many stepping forward to sacrifice themselves for the common good in the wake of increased population.