About the phones, I gave up my 'bag' phone when they told me they changed things and it would not work any more. I view them as something of a necessary evil. A convenient pain in the rear.
I really hate it when someone comes toward me with one of those bluetooth gadgets, their head turned slightly away and completes their call. When you say "Hello" back, they look at you funny, and I have to console myself with the thought that if someone was walking around appearing to talk to themselves like that just a couple of decades ago the guys in the white jackets would have scooped them up.
I’ve got to get in some target practice. The other night, there were a couple of coyotes moving along the river bank
down below us - an adult and a little one. So far, the coyotes out here have stayed wild and timid; but there are so many dogs in the area that have gone feral. If they ever start mixing with the coyotes; the bloodline will become bold pretty quick. - We used to keep the dog feeder in the garage; until one day I saw Wiley Coyote come streaking out the garage door. - I used to walk alone down on the river bottom below us; but now not so much. We got a nosy neighbor across the hill from us who liked to lurk on the property line and engage me in a conversation every time I tried to walk through our woods. He seemed to be retired.