The interesting part is how the Russians fight compared to Americans. Don’t expect to see much whining in the press about how *insensitive* the Russians are to the “cultural values” of Muslims. First because the Russians don’t care at all about that, and second, because they shut down the media and communications first.
There will be zero effort to “win hearts and minds”, because those on the Russian side will have no real say in how the Russians do things; and those on the other side are not going to be given the opportunity to argue.
Yep, from our point of view, it will be ‘popcorn time’, while that weakling Obama wrings his hands and weeps at the loss of his beloved Muslims.
There will be zero effort to win hearts and minds
And no nation building either.
I was watching American Sniper the other night. Over and over again the bad guys were using cell phones for their radio communications. I kept thinking why didn’t we just jam all the cell phones? Why are we allowing them cheap, easy communication devices for intel and to blow us up with?
Yeah, then it hit me. We wanted to be nice. We wanted them to like us by not turning off their phones — in a war zone!
How many Americans were killed or maimed in Iraq because we didn’t want to be mean and jam their cell phones?
Russia will not Mirandize terrorists. Nor will they transport them to an island paradise, feed them free-range goat and falafel, and give them Kindles to read the Koran.