Ding, ding, ding, winner winner chicken dinner. The "O" percent payers have no skin in the game, yes I said it. 15% flat and 15% business, cap gains, divi's, you couldn't get much simpler, one rate you can rap your head around...
The so-called “fair” tax is an Orwellian-named liberals dream.
It is a ridiculously high rate, hiding an even more ridiculous rate by using the ‘tax-inclusive’ calculation.
Then toss in the ‘pre-bate’ and you will have libtards falling all over themselves to promise ever higher ‘pre-bates’ to the great unwashed. (I dare you to TRY to argue that they won’t)
Liberals LOVE the “fair” tax. Don’t fall for it.
Flat tax is fine by me, at a reasonable rate- NOT one-fourth of your income. If EVERYONE paid 10% across the board, NO DEDUCTIONS, there would be more than enough money to fund the government. But you have to REQUIRE them to live within a balanced budget- or else NONE of them are allowed to run for re-election.
B I N G O !
Flat Tax or Fair Tax, either of which I would be in favor. However, Ain’t gonna happen as long as Washington is Washington. Too many “Campaign Contributors”.
I was a little disappointed in Trump’s tax plan. Sounds a little Democrat to me. More of the same old same old. Lipstick on a pig.
In my opinion, a negative strike against Trump.
“15% flat and 15% business...”
Looks to me that a 15% flat tax will be great for the underground economy. Hmmm. Where will I buy my $100 DeWalt cordless drill? From Lowes for $100, plus $15 tax, or from the guy at the flea market who sells the same drill for $95 with no tax.