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Muslim Inbreeding Has Corrupted Islam’s Psyche – And The Results Are Alarming!
Right Side News ^ | September 28, 2015 | Col. Tom Snodgrass (ret)

Posted on 09/28/2015 10:29:25 AM PDT by RightSideNews

Muslim inbreeding

Danish Psychologist Nicolai Sennels Has Spent Years Interviewing Muslims And Shares His Conclusions

By Col. Tom Snodgrass (Ret.), Right Side News

Ride Side News had the the privilege of holding an e-mail correspondence interview with Nicolai Sennels, a Danish psychologist who has worked in his government’s in-prison psychology programs to determine why so many juveniles from the Muslim immigrant community populate the Danish penal system. In the course of his research he investigated Muslim inbreeding and its effects on “Islam’s psyche”, and he gained tremendous insight into the “mind of Islam” through thousands of face-to-face dialogues with disaffected Muslims. Here are his conclusions.

The Interview

  1. RSN: First Nicolai, would you acquaint the readers with your background, and how you have come by expertise on the Muslim mind.
Nicolai (born 1976): I am a licensed psychologist. My first appearances in the Danish media concerned my somewhat unorthodox therapy methods that I developed as the only psychologist at Sønderbro, a Copenhagen youth prison (see here and here). I taught the young prisoners about mindfulness meditation and developed a special program on anger management. I also developed a psychotherapeutic method that focused on teaching criminals with a low understanding of emotions and empathy how to take responsibility for their own behavior. In 2008, the prisoners of Sønderbro voted the facility as the best prison in Denmark. The leader of Social Services in the Copenhagen municipality concluded that this was due to my work.


At a conference on immigrant crime in 2008, arranged by the Copenhagen municipality, I said that one should not use the term “criminal immigrants,” but “criminal Muslims,” since the majority of criminal immigrants have Muslim background. Seven out of ten inmates in the Danish youth prisons have immigrant backgrounds, and almost all of them are Muslims. I was threatened that if I were to discuss my experiences again, I would get fired my job. This story developed into a national debate on the freedom of speech and became a widely discussed topic in the Danish media, and the even Minister of Integration joined the discussion.


I decided to publish a book on my experiences, "Among Criminal Muslims. A Psychologist’s Experiences from the Copenhagen Municipality", which was well received in both the official Psychologists Union’s magazine and the newspapers. I found myself a new job at the Danish Ministry of Defense, and now once again I now work as a psychologist with children and teenagers.


I consulted on the case against Omar Khadr, a convicted terrorist serving in Guantanamo. I also contributed a chapter to the Dutch book Islam: Critical Essays on a Political Religion, along with Raymond Ibrahim, Hans Jansen, Michael Mannheimer, Ibn Warraq, Bat Ye’or and other renowned critics of Islam and Muslim immigration. Besides this I wrote a long list of articles on the psychology of Islam, Islam's view on women, on Muslim culture and the wide spread inbreeding in Muslim society.


  1. RSN: You have written extensively about inbreeding among Muslims, would you please explain how Islamic culture figures into their criminality.

Nicolai: Inbreeding among Muslims are extremely widespread. Around 70 percent of Pakistanis, 45 percent of Arabs and 25-30 percent of Turks are children of blood-related parents, usually first-cousin marriages. These are staggering numbers and the impacts on intelligence, sanity, health and society among Muslims are enormous. Genetics is of course a very touchy subject, especially after Hitler, but this should not deter us from pointing out a very serious problem that harms millions of children and causes massive problems for the families, who often live in places with no public resources for handicapped people. Taking up the problem of inbreeding in Muslim culture is done out of compassion for the children and the families.


Out of a professional interest as a psychologist I have studied Islam and Muslim culture for more than a decade, and I have counselled hundreds of Muslims. And I would say there are several, religious reasons for this very unhealthy practice. One reason is that Muhammad simply allows it. This is done in the Quran's sura 4 - which by the way also legalizes sex slaves. Another reason is that consanguinous marriages, as it is called, allows the families to keep their daughters close, and thus be in a better position to observe whether they follow Islamic law, the Sharia. One third reason is that Muhammad himself married one of his cousins, and emulation of Muhammad is a central part of Islamic practice.


  1. RSN: In your opinion, what role do Muslim genetics play in the Muslim’s ability to function in the modern world.

Nicolai: Inbreeding among cousins are connected with long list of risks. Among them are still births, infant death, low intelligence, physical diseases and handicaps and psychiatric problems. There also seem to be a clear connection between the negative effects of inbreeding and terrorism. In some cases, people with low intelligence or other mental handicaps have been easy to lure into becoming suicide bombers. In other cases, martyring oneself consciously can be an honorable way to end a life of pain or low social status due to handicaps, genetic syndromes or psychiatric problems. It is also important to know, that low intelligence and certain psychiatric disorders - which can be the result of inbreeding - is known to increase risk of delinquent behavior.


Thus inbreeding, especially if it happens through several generations, increases the risks of handicaps and disorders, that in one way or another can decrease one's ability to function in a modern world.


The cognitive consequences of Muslim inbreeding thus might explain why non-Western immigrants are more than 300 percent more likely to fail the Danish army's intelligence test than native Danes. It probably also explains - at least partly - why two thirds of all immigrant school children with Arabic backgrounds are illiterate after 10 years in the Danish school system.


The high expenses on special education for slow learners consumes one third of the budget for the Danish schools. 51 percent of the children on the three schools in Copenhagen for children with physical and mental handicaps have immigrant back ground and on one of the schools the amount is 70 percent. These amounts are significantly higher than the share of immigrant children in the municipality, which is 33 percent. According to one expert, "The many handicapped children are a clear evidence that there are many intermarried parents in the immigrant families.”


  1. RSN: When it comes to immigrating Muslims, it is widely recognized that Muslims have difficulty integrating into Western culture, especially into Europe or “Eurabia,” to what do you attribute this difficulty?

Nicolai: Well, to integrate into a culture you have to fulfill three conditions. You have to want it, you have to be able to and you have to be allowed by your family. The more welfare, the lesser motivation for integration, since you will get food and accommodation, no matter if you learn the language, earn your own money and integrate into the community - or not. And because of low education, and possibly also negative effects of inbreeding, and the many and often insurmountable differences between Western and Muslim culture, many Muslim refugees and migrants are simply not able to. Learning the language, taking an education and functioning effectively on our high tech, knowledge based work market is too difficult for them. Thirdly, many Muslim families do not allow their children to integrate. Western culture, with our freedom of speech, democracy and equality of women is opposing Islam and Muslim culture on so many central areas, that integration would mean apostasy to many Muslims. Some young Muslim and some Muslim women regularly try, but the consequences are often so extreme, that it deters thousands others from trying to break free of the religious restrictions within Islam.


On top of these things comes the mountains of hate speech against non-Muslims and our way of life in the Quran and the hadiths, which makes it very unnatural to befriend and trust non-Muslims. A recent study among Muslims by the German state concluded that 94 percent of Muslims in Germany agreed with the statement that immigrants in Germany should keep the culture of their country of origin.


The result you see today all over the West, where Muslims tend to group in Muslim areas. Many of these areas are today de facto no-go zones. Here secular authorities are regularly threatened and even attacked, while fundamentalist imams, patrolling Muslim father groups and home made sharia courts are safe to rule.


  1. RSN: In your experience, what role do Islamic religious authorities play in the life of Muslim immigrant community? What role does the individual's practice of the Islamic religion play in the Muslim immigrants’ success or failure in integrating into the host culture?

Nicolai: Well, to answer you first question it is just to look at the statistics. According to the above mentioned study from Germany, 85 of Muslims in Germany declare themselves to be religious or very religious. A cross-European study showed that 75 percent of Muslims in Europe think that the Quran can not be interpreted ambiguously - that it has to be taken literal. Many other studies reach similar conclusions. Muslims are thus much more religious than most other groups, they trust the written word in their religious books more - so of course the religious authorities play an important role in Muslim immigrants' life.


That is why it is so important to ensure, that mosques in our Western countries actively, publicly and consistently reject the many verses in the Quran and the Hadiths telling Muslims to persecute, harm or even kill non-Muslims. If we do not ensure this, mosques and religious authorities will contribute to the radicalization of Muslims. Unfortunately this has already happened, and now Europe has a deadly serious problem with homegrown jihadis.  80 percent of young Turks in Holland see “nothing wrong” in waging Jihad against non-Muslims. 27 percent of all young French and 14 percent of all young British under 25 sympathize with the genocidal terror organization Islamic State. This includes most probably the vast majority of young Muslims in these two countries. Take a look at those numbers and then try to imagine what that means to Europe’s future. Several of our countries have already deployed the military and the police is running out of resources in their desperate efforts to track and contain the threats.


The interesting thing is that Islam is the only religion in the world, where people become more violent, the more they practice and study their religion. So when it comes to Islam, more religion means more violence.


I think many Americans are not aware of what you are letting into your countries these months. After a few decades with Muslim immigration, more than half of Europeans are against Muslim immigration and the spread of Islam in our countries. I had hoped that the Americans would have learned from our bad example here where I live. But it seems that your president has decided that you should make your own experiences.


Your second question concerning Muslims' religious practice and integration, you already have the answer if you look at Europe. Islam is opposed to Western, liberal values on so many areas, that you can not really call yourself a real Muslim if you also integrate. You might call yourself a "relaxed" Muslim or a "moderate" Muslim, but you can not both claim that you support Free Speech, democracy and the equality of women and non-Muslims, and at the same time say that you follow the Quran and the example of Muhammad.


  1. RSN: In Western circles, Muslim treatment of women is considered oppressive, do you consider that characterization valid, and what role do women generally play in Islamic culture, recognizing that there are obviously differences from area to area?

Nicolai: Islam is obviously suppressive against women. Just read the Quran and the Hadiths. The question is of course how much Muslims follow the laws of Allah and his prophet. For sure there are variations. Just look at photos of women in Iran before and after the Islamic revolution. It is heart breaking to see how those beautiful, smiling, free women have become veiled and suppressed in today's Iran. In some Islamic countries, though it is fewer and fewer, at least non-Muslim women can wear a bikini on the beach.


The role of women in Islamic culture is mainly to signal honor. The honor of the family depends on the women’s' willingness to submit themselves to the suppressive Sharia.


One of the things that is interesting for me as a psychologist is that the religious suppression of Muslim women not only affects the women, but also the men. It simply changes the men’s' sexuality, when they are taught that women are impure. Many Muslim men thus develop homosexuality or pedophilia.


Research among Pakistani truck drivers, for instance, shows that 95 percent of them “indulge in sex with ‘boy’ helpers.” Although according to most psychological schools, homosexuality is not a disturbance of the person’s natural sexual drive — unless it is caused by cultural factors — the widespread use of bacha bareesh, or “dancing boys” within the Afghan culture, perhaps the world’s most segregated and women-suppressive, is just one sign of a culture that seems to lead to such behavior. A US military report from Afghanistan concludes that “homosexual behavior is unusually common among men in the large ethnic group known as Pashtuns. … Pashtun men commonly have sex with other men, admire other men physically, have sexual relationships with boys and shun women both socially and sexually.” The report also described how male Pashtun interpreters continuously infected each other with gonorrhea. When told by the doctors to be more careful they lied about their homosexual activities and claimed that it happened by mixing different kinds of tea. One US doctor working in Afghanistan had to explain to a local man how to get his wife pregnant: “When it was explained to him what was necessary, he reacted with disgust and asked, ‘How could one feel desire to be with a woman, who God has made unclean, when one could be with a man, who is clean? Surely this must be wrong.’”


  1. RSN: Do you, as a psychologist, consider the Muslim attitudes toward and practices of sexuality to foster healthy mental behavior? What are the effects of Muslim sexual practices in regard to their relations with members of the host society?

Nicolai: On the psychological level, one of the most serious consequences of the Islamic view on women is the extreme lack of romantic love. This is because the healing quality of romantic love can only exist if the partners are equal, where nobody is forced, and where nobody is fearing or dominating the other.


Another psychological consequence of the lack of love and the lack of freedom for the sexes to safely explore each other and be inspired by each other can lead to increased anger and aggression, among other dysfunctional social behavior. One obvious case is the infamous “underwear bomber” Umar Farouk Abdulmutallab who attempted to blow up an airplane in midair at Christmas day in 2009. Abdulmutallab struggled with sexual fantasies that according to his Islamic belief were sinful. In order to mentally combat the sexual fantasies, he tried to fantasize about jihad instead. In the end he decided to blow up the main cause of his frustrations by hiding the explosives in his underwear - his penis.


Islamization of sexuality in our Western countries is already happening. We see this already in the way that non-Muslim men are regularly excluded for public swimming halls, our secular societies are pressured to invest in separate bathing facilities in sports places, public authorities' advises for women to not wear sexy clothes close to refugee centers etc.


I think in general that our free sexual culture and equality of women here in the West is one of the factors that contribute most the Muslims' alienation here.


The Islamic view on marriage, which is often not completely voluntarily, shows a wide acceptance of forced sexual intercourse, also called rape. Combined with the Islamic view on non-Muslim women - whom Muslim men are allowed to rape according to the Quran -  this has led to an epidemy of rapes all over West Europe. Sweden, Holland and UK is hit hardest. Authorities in England estimates that "up to a million" children may have been victims of primarily Pakistani rape gangs. According to one report, Muslim men are 200 times more prone to rape children than non-Muslim men.  Every rape is a catastrophe to not only the victim but also the victims’ family and friends. Life-long traumatization and difficulties in one's sex-life is also often a result.


  1. RSN: Many Western nations are experiencing a large influx of Muslim immigrants, can such a large inflow of Muslims be productively integrated into Western societies, both from the standpoints of the host society and the individual immigrant?

Nicolai: Only non-Europeans can ask such a question. Here on our continent it is clear to everybody that it is not possible and that the consequences are devastating. Not only economically, but we have to witness how ever growing areas of our beautiful, historical European towns and cities are transformed into areas, where our thousand-year-old culture is disappearing and met with hostility. These areas are often completely sealed to non-Islamic cultures and values, and is now breeding ground for jihad-sympathizers on an industrial scale.


It is becoming more and more common that people are talking about the imminent danger of civil war in our cities. Already now many of us have had to explain our children why there are armed military and police with automatic riffles on the way to kindergarten and school. The worst thing is that such conditions are normal to our kids. They do not even know what we have lost, which will make it very difficult for them to fight to get back the safety, freedoms and culture that nourishes the whole world with European, humanistic values.


  1. RSN: What advice would you offer the Western world regarding their growing Muslim populations?

Nicolai: Well, I am a psychologist, not a politician. I mostly look at the human processes. On the other hand, I have been working with this topic for so many years. I have seen my own continent, my own country and my own neighborhood transforming into something I would consider a dystrophic sci-fi movie, had somebody pictured it for me 20 years ago.


I think we can say for sure now that integrating Muslims in Western society is not possible. Of course a few will always want it, be able to and have their family's consent, but the vast, vast majority will not. Any society can handle having a few un-integrated individuals. There is enough money to give them money to food and clothing, enough public housing and enough police. But when there are enough of such individuals to establish a counter-culture in a larger defined area, trouble starts. That is where you can talk about a critical mass. And this just takes a few thousand. If you live far away, you may not even notice it. But if you live close by, you will discover that your house loses value, that crime rates increase, that there will be less money for welfare, and that your children feel less safe in school - etc.


I think that Americans can be somehow blind to the risks of inviting tens of thousands of Muslims to your country, because you already have problems with gangs and large ghettos. But you have to understand that Muslim ghettos are different from other ghettos. This is because, and this is what Europe learned at such great costs, that Islam is a political religion. It is not just about inner states of mind, inner beliefs, inner values. Islam is also about how society must be aligned with Islamic law, the Sharia. And more important is that Islam condones any mean in order to create these changes. These means include violent jihad and jihad through abusing the legal system. It also includes so-called taqiyya, which means lying in order to further the cause of Islam, and so called hijrah, which means migration in order to populate non-Islamic land in order to conquer it in the long run, block by block if necessary.


I want you Americans to be aware of this fundamental nature of Islam. It is not like other religions. And I hope that you will take a look at Europe and see what is happening here. Our free, safe societies where people have a basic trust and understanding of each other because we have the same basic values are being suffocated in terror threats and Islamization.


Europe have many things to offer the world. Our art, our egalitarian values, our food. But not the naïve approach to Islam and Muslim immigration, which has already cost so much on so many levels. There is a very interesting documentary called "Muslims in Europe", which might be good to spread in USA - you can watch it here.


End of Interview



In addition to the excellent documentary on the degradation of Europe caused by Islam recommended immediately above, an RSN article, “Muslim Pedophiles, Feminists And Future Civil War,” provides another disturbing view of Islamic depravity occurring in another European country, Great Britain.


Sennels’ findings and the referenced documentary and article all make it clear that Islam is culturally contaminating Europe and is incapable of peacefully coexisting along side Western civilization within the same physical domain. Muslim inbreeding has corrupted Islam’s psyche, which along with Islam’s doctrine of jihad, make Islam incompatible with civilization founded on European Enlightenment principles.


See the Colonel's Archive

TOPICS: Culture/Society; Editorial; News/Current Events
KEYWORDS: belongsinbloggers; criminalmuslims; inbreeding; islam; jihad; musliminbreeding; nicolaisennels
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To: RightSideNews

Not all Muslim populations are equal. Some have lots of first cousin marriage and some do not. It varies from place to place.

First cousin marriage is repulsive. Its like marrying your sister. And some Muslim populations do it generation after generation to keep wealth within the clan. Its crazy!! Leads to low IQs and birth defects. Leads to hyper clannishness.

21 posted on 09/28/2015 10:59:07 AM PDT by dennisw (The first principle is to find out who you are then you can achieve anything -- Buddhist monk)
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To: RightSideNews

I wonder if we have some of that going on in the Dem party.

22 posted on 09/28/2015 10:59:58 AM PDT by DungeonMaster (The federal government retards me.)
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To: RightSideNews

Pretty much BS. It’s hard to corrupt something that started there unless that inbreeding argument works for Democrats.

23 posted on 09/28/2015 11:00:27 AM PDT by Steamburg (Other people's money is the only language a politician respects)
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To: RightSideNews

Due to the actions of Prophet Muhammad and the Rightly-Guided Caliphs, marriage between cousins is explicitly allowed and even encouraged in Islam. The Qur’an itself does not discourage or forbid this practice in any way. In fact it implicitly allows it, as seen in chapter 4 verse 23:

Worldwide, it has been estimated that almost half of all Muslims are inbred:
A rough estimate shows that close to half of all Muslims in the world are inbred: In Pakistan, 70 percent of all marriages are between first cousins (so-called “consanguinity”) and in Turkey the amount is between 25-30 percent.[11]

Statistical research on Arabic countries shows that up to 34 percent of all marriages in Algiers are consanguine (blood related), 46 percent in Bahrain, 33 percent in Egypt, 80 percent in Nubia (southern area in Egypt), 60 percent in Iraq, 64 percent in Jordan, 64 percent in Kuwait, 42 percent in Lebanon, 48 percent in Libya, 47 percent in Mauritania, 54 percent in Qatar, 67 percent in Saudi Arabia, 63 percent in Sudan, 40 percent in Syria, 39 percent in Tunisia, 54 percent in the United Arabic Emirates and 45 percent in Yemen.[12][13]

The British geneticist, Professor Steve Jones, giving The John Maddox Lecture at the 2011 Hay Festival had stated in relation to Muslim inbreeding, “It is common in the Islamic world to marry your brother’s daughter, which is actually [genetically] closer than marrying your cousin.”[14]

24 posted on 09/28/2015 11:01:07 AM PDT by dennisw (The first principle is to find out who you are then you can achieve anything -- Buddhist monk)
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To: RightSideNews integrate into a culture you have to fulfill three conditions.

You have to want it, you have to be able to and you have to be allowed by your family.

The more welfare, the lesser motivation for integration, since you will get food and accommodation, no matter if you learn the language, earn your own money and integrate into the community - or not.

Liberal must understand - - the greatest gift is a job - and the responsibility that goes with it. Anything short of that is a chain on a person's soul.

25 posted on 09/28/2015 11:04:49 AM PDT by GOPJ (Immigration, World Poverty and Gumballs
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To: DungeonMaster
I wonder if we have some of that going on in the Dem party.

*Definitely* Obama supporters...

26 posted on 09/28/2015 11:08:13 AM PDT by farming pharmer
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To: Gunpowder green

Wow...I was expecting at least a few pretty blonde Swedish women.../ S

27 posted on 09/28/2015 11:10:10 AM PDT by Popman (Christ alone: My Cornerstone...)
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To: RightSideNews
The Plague of Islam

If the civilized world is to survive, we must recognize Islam for what it really is: It’s not a religion, form of government, or anything recognizable to the civilized mind. Islam is a disease, an incurable disease of the mind that is highly contagious among the feeble minded and is now spreading among the world’s feeble minded at an epidemic rate. As with any disease, one can’t reason with this disease, negotiate with it, or treat in any manner other than how one would treat any other incurable disease.

Past efforts to contain this disease have failed. Now, carriers of this Plague of Islam must be eradicated wherever they're found, for if they're not, this disease will eventually end not just Western Civilization, but it will undo over 5,000 years of human civilization.

28 posted on 09/28/2015 11:12:11 AM PDT by DJ Taylor (Once again our country is at war, and once again the Democrats have sided with our enemy.)
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To: RightSideNews

Excellent article. Thanks!

29 posted on 09/28/2015 11:14:14 AM PDT by navyguy (The National Reset Button is pushed with the trigger finger.)
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To: Salvation

Then to immigrate here not to assimilate but to demand we change to the politics and law they left. They need to keep their butts home where they can care for their goats, camels, and hot sands between beheadings. Kill kill kill

30 posted on 09/28/2015 11:14:34 AM PDT by mcshot (We have but our word and honor - 0 has 0.)
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To: RightSideNews

Absolutely true.

31 posted on 09/28/2015 11:15:22 AM PDT by I want the USA back (Media: completely irresponsible. Complicit in the destruction of this country)
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To: RightSideNews
I'd like to point out that discussing the effects inbreeding and an exceptionally vile religion has on a psyche has ABSOLUTELY NOTHING to do with racism.
No matter how the Left will try to paint it so.

32 posted on 09/28/2015 11:16:47 AM PDT by BitWielder1 (I'd rather have Unequal Wealth than Equal Poverty.)
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To: RightSideNews

Why would it take years of study to determine the pollution of the gene pool. I would say it is obvious, at a glance.

33 posted on 09/28/2015 11:21:29 AM PDT by exnavy (Common sense seems to be uncommon these days.)
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To: Marko413

Tropic Thunder,,


34 posted on 09/28/2015 11:23:17 AM PDT by Big Red Badger (UNSCANABLE in an IDIOCRACY!)
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To: RightSideNews
The other aspect of the Pakistani-Peruvian axis rests on its Arabic outlook. The Arabs, like other Semites who emerged from the Arabian desert at various times to infiltrate neighboring Asiatic despotic cultures of urban civilizations were originally nomadic tribal peoples. Their political structure was based on blood relationships and not on territorial jurisdiction. They were warlike, patriarchal, extremist, violent, intolerant and xenophobic. Like most tribal peoples, their political structure was totalitarian in the sense that all values, all needs all meaningful human experience was contained within the tribe. Persons outside the tribal structure had no value or significance, and there were no obligations or meaning associated in contacts with them. In fact, they were hardly regarded as human beings at all. Moreover, within the tribe, social significance became more intense as blood relationships became closer, moving inward from the tribes through clans to the patriarchal extended family.

The sharp contrast between such a point of view and that associated with Christian society as we know it can be seen in the fact that such Semitic tribalism was endogamous, while the rule of Christian marriage is exogamous. The rules, in fact, were directly antithetical, since Arabic marriage favors unions of first cousins, while Christian marriage has consistently opposed marriage of first or even second cousins. In traditional Arabic society, any girl was bound to marry her father’s brother’s son if he and his father wanted her and she was not usually free to marry someone else until he had rejected her (sometimes after years of waiting).

In such traditional Arabic society, the extended family, not the individual, was the basic social unit; all property was controlled by the patriarchal head of the family and, accordingly, most decisions were in his hands. His control of the marriage and of his male descendants was ensured by the fact that a price had to be paid for a bride to her family, and this would require the patriarch’s consent.

Such a patriarchal family arose from the fact that marriage was patrilocal, the young couple residing with the groom’s father so long as he lived, while he continued to live with the groom’s paternal grandfather until the latter’s death. Such a death of the head of an extended family freed his sons to become heads of similar extended families that would remain intact, frequently for three or four generations, until the head of the family dies in his turn. Within such a family each male remains subject to the indulgent, if erratic, control of his father and the indulgent, and subservient care of his mother and unmarried sisters, while his wife is under the despotic control of her mother-in-law until her production of sins and the elimination of her elders by death will make her, in turn a despot over her daughters-in-law.

This Arabic emphasis on the extended family as the basic social reality meant that larger social came into existence simply by linking a number of related extended families under the nominal leadership of the patriarch who, by general consensus, had the best qualities of leadership, social dignity and prestige. But such unions, being personal and essentially temporary, could be severed at any time. The family units tended to make all political relationships personal and temporary, reflections of the desires or whims of the leader and not the consequence or reflection of any basic social relationships. This tended to prevent the development of any advanced conception of the state, law, and the community (as achieved, for example, by the once tribal Greeks and Romans). Within the family, rules were personal, patriarchal, and often arbitrary and changeable, arising from the will and often from the whims of the patriarch.

This prevented the development of any advanced ideas of reciprocal common interests whose interrelationships by establishing a higher social structure, created, at the same time, rules superior to the individual, rules of an impersonal and permanent character in which law created authority, and not, as in the Arabic system, authority created law (or at least temporary rules). To this day, the shattered cultures along the whole Pakistani-Peruvian axis have a very weak grasp of the nature of a community or of any obligation to such a community, and regard law and politics as simply personal relationships whose chief justification is the power and the position of the individual who issues the orders. (emphasis mine - WD The state, as a structure of force more remote and therefore less personal than the immediate family is regarded as an alien system to be avoided and evaded simply because it is more remote (even if of similar character) then the individual’s immediate family.

This biological and patriarchal character of all significant social relationships in Arab life is reflected in the familiar feature of male dominance. Only the male is important. The female is inferior, even subhuman, and becomes significant only by producing males (the one thing, apparently, that the male cannot do for himself). Because of the strong patrilocal character of Arab marriage, a new wife is not only subjected sexually to her husband, she is also subjected socially and personally to his family, including his brothers and above all, his mother (who has gained this position of domination over other females in the house by having male children). Sex is regarded almost solely as a physiological relationship with little emphasis on the religious, emotional or even social aspects. Love, meaning concern for the personality or developing potentialities of the sexual partner, plays little role in Arabic sexual relationships. The purpose of such relationships in the eyes of the average Arab is to relieve his own sexual desire or to generate sons

From Carroll Quigley's The Pakistani-Peruvian Axis. It becomes apparent that the endogamous nature of Arabic society predates the formation of Islam. Indeed, it is entirely possible that the genetic damage caused by such inbreeding had a great deal to do with the formation of the insanity that is Islam in the first place. Islam is nothing less than the product of mental and physical defectives.

35 posted on 09/28/2015 11:24:41 AM PDT by Noumenon (Resistance. Restoration. Retribution.)
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To: dennisw
Around 70 percent of Pakistanis, 45 percent of Arabs and 25-30 percent of Turks are children of blood-related parents, usually first-cousin marriages.

Sort of fits in with the perception that while most Muslims are bat$h*+ crazy, the Pakistanis are crazier than the Arabs and the Arabs are crazier than the Turks.

First cousin marriages are not unknown in America. In fact, they were fairly common not much more than 150 years ago due to isolation of many communities. I have one such marriage in my family tree within fairly recent times, a great grandmother.

She was a brilliant lady and many of her progeny became educators (my grandfather was a university science professor), military officers, inventors and the like.

The problem is not a first cousin marriage here and there, but a generation after generation thing where all the crazy genes become dominant. That's what we are seeing in the Islamic world, adding the handicap that they begin life subscribed to a crazy totalitarian set of values which can be modified only at great risk to their lives.

36 posted on 09/28/2015 11:28:15 AM PDT by Vigilanteman (Obama: Fake black man. Fake Messiah. Fake American. How many fakes can you fit in one Zer0?)
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To: RightSideNews
‘How could one feel desire to be with a woman, who God has made unclean, when one could be with a man, who is clean? Surely this must be wrong.’

Although there were many retch worthy moments in this article, this one had to be near the top. Certainly not to be read on a full stomach.
Although I already knew that Islam was an evil cult, with commands to convert, enslave, or kill those who refused to join their cult -- I had not idea about the depth of the disease (although the recent revelations of the rampant catamites of the Afghan military - and winked at by our Government - was dropping pretty broad hints).

My goodness. If our school system was actually interested in educating, this article would be mandatory reading. Unfortunately our Politicians and Educrats are just interested in destroying our Nation -- so this interview/study will never see the light of day - other than on websites such as this.

37 posted on 09/28/2015 11:28:26 AM PDT by El Cid (Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ, and thou shalt be saved, and thy house...)
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To: RightSideNews
The interesting thing is that Islam is the only religion in the world, where people become more violent, the more they practice and study their religion. So when it comes to Islam, more religion means more violence.

The money quote.

38 posted on 09/28/2015 11:30:30 AM PDT by Sergio (An object at rest cannot be stopped! - The Evil Midnight Bomber What Bombs at Midnight)
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To: Noumenon
Interesting stuff. As you probably know Carroll Quigley was an elitist himself and makes it clear in his epic tome Tragedy and Hope. I am still trying to figure out if he is claiming that Semitic tribes (including, possibly, the Arabs) transplanted themselves into Peruvian culture at some point.

It is especially interesting, because I once studied under an anthropology professor who claimed the same thing.

39 posted on 09/28/2015 11:34:10 AM PDT by Vigilanteman (Obama: Fake black man. Fake Messiah. Fake American. How many fakes can you fit in one Zer0?)
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To: RightSideNews


40 posted on 09/28/2015 11:37:53 AM PDT by antidisestablishment (If Washington was judged with the same standard as Sodom, it would not exist.)
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