this is the book- prey- great book- the site shows how he came up with the idea for the novel too- very itneresting
His response to a question is pretty funny- and as any true artist- He feels compelled to write even when he doesn’t w3ant to lol
“Q: Of all the disturbing subjects youve explored in your career, is it these small, insidious things that concern you the most? Because the problem in Prey, as in The Andromeda Strain, seems more tangible, more of a problem that we all need to deal with and think about now, then the problem of, say, revenant dinosaurs?
A: I dont think in this way. I tend to write books that grab me by the throat and force me to write them. I dont usually feel as if I have a choice, or much control of what comes out. Often, I dont want to be writing a particular book, but there I am, writing it anyway.”
Thank you for the recommendation. It sounds right up my alley. I will look for that book.