Father of the gime’dats
Someone should ask the Pope if he believes Venezuelans would like to have their Capitalism back....
How does that make this week different from any other week? Have you read what the typical “journalist” thinks about capitalism these days?
The Pope needs to visit Venezuela after the US so he can extol the virtues of socialism while he stands in front of empty shelves in that socialist country. Maybe he can use my donation to Catholic Charities to ship those socialist folks down there some toilet paper.
It’ll be refreshing in a way.
No doubt the guy will be moving out of St. Peter’s and into a brick and mortar two-room apartment and trading in his silks for a woolen robe, then donating the proceeds to refugee relief.
Rather than a chauffeur-driven limousine, he’ll take to riding a bicycle.
Those changes will all have a positive effect on the world.
All one has to do is examine the Pope’s “weak” trip to Cuba as he bowed before the Castro brothers and would dare not meet with Catholic protestors against Castro and company!!! This Pope is the tool of Obama, Castro and despots throughout the world!!! Cuba has about 12,000,000 people, 60% of them Roman Catholics of only one percent of them attend church on a regular basis. The Cuban crowds should have turned out by the millions...they did not come close!!!
The mere fact that Obama ordered the Pope’s aicraft to go into a holding pattern over North Carolina, because Obama & Biden were late to meet him...proves he is naught but, a pawn of Obama!!!! The arrival...when it happened was like an uncontrolled fire drill!!! Sad!!!
FTP, and I don’t mean File Transfer Protocol.
What’s the carbon footprint of the pope’s trip to Cuba and the U.S.?