“This is just the kind of ad we dont want to see in October”
Dick Morris is now a GOP strategist?
No wonder the GOP keeps losing.
Who’s this “we” he’s referring to? This is exactly the kind of ad I want to see and others. Isn’t it funny how the GOPe pushes Fiorina, and how they dismissed Sarah Palin? Sarah, and accomplished Governor with an outstanding record was trashed by the media, and the GOPe, yet they lick Fiorina’s toes. (LOL) This alone should tell anyone what they need to know about Carly. She wasn’t a success at anything she has done - other than rake in millions as a failed CEO of 2 companies. Let’s not forget her secret deals with Iran when there were sanctions against doing business with that regime. DId anyone pick up on her comment during the first debate - and maybe the 2nd one - where she said she would pick up the phone and call her good friend, Bibi, and then place a call to the Supreme Leader of Iran? OF course, she would - she did business with them. This woman is a bald-faced liar and I want her out of this race faster than one can blink an eye.