Like right now. Im heading for the laundromat with about 170 essay intros to grade. Thats every single weekend.I teach special ed. No curriculum, no budget. I can either do paperwork, and dot the "i"s, cross the "t"s, OR teach. There's so much paperwork, you literally cannot do both anymore.
Oh, I know about the nightmare that is Special Ed. As far as I can tell, their entire job is to generate a paperwork trail that shows they are constantly nagging us general ed teachers to "make accommodations." This trend is making me sick. I have a girl in my class (9th grade English) that is operating at the 2nd grade level. I mean, she is mentally about 6. To teach her, I'd have to abandon the other 27 kids completely and sit at her side and go at her pace. It's maddening.
I can't wait to retire, really. I can do it in six years. I'll be living on a pittance, but that's okay. I'll pick up a second career. Bartending, maybe.