Did he say anything about loving their religion? No - he did not. He was answering a student’s question and here’s a news flash for you genius - God loves the Muslims too - that’s why he sent His son Jesus into the world to die for sinners - and that includes all - for ALL have sinned and fallen short of the glory of God. You are totally overreacting - not one person running for office is going to stand in front of a group of students, parents and cameras and say they hate Muslims. And, here’s another news flash for you - it isn’t only Christians and Jews who are being killed and beheaded in the Middle East - but other Muslims as well. I don’t understand your hate-filled comment, but I am a female. So, now I’m done with you and your hateful rhetoric.
How about Donny just tell the truth about what Islam truly represents and who Muhammed was and what he stood for? And point out that anyone who has half a brain knows that Islam's endgame is a worldwide caliphate which is totally at odds with the US Constitution.
(nice of you to waste your time on a liar and a troll)
Took the words out of my mouth Catsrus, but I couldn’t find a way to say it as eloquently as you:)I look at how, before Jesus, the people of our God were slaughtering villages, owning slaves, sacrificing animals, stoning people to death, etc. I mean look at the Old Testament. Difference is we have Jesus. They don’t:(