Pick a number Redumblicans, run with it, and let Odunga refute it. I’ll go with 75,000, it’s now part of internet lore, therefore it must be true.
Wow! Over 75,000 Americans killed by Iran or the groups they sponsor? No wonder Lurtch and Obummer won’t talk about it.
Will this be Breaking: John Kerry reports 75,000 US Troops and American Citizens Killed By Iran Since 1979 Revolution - Obama Silent.
“Pick a number Redumblicans, run with it, and let Odunga refute it. Ill go with 75,000, its now part of internet lore, therefore it must be true.”
More true than anybody knows. Compile the best stats you can, and release THAT number. Shout it far and wide. It will become true, especially after Odungo wont give the real number.