She conflated videos.
Firorina: a fully formed fetus on the table, its heart beating, its legs kicking while someone says we have to keep it alive to harvest its brain.
As Holly says these words, a graphic image of an aborted baby is shown, courtesy of the Grantham Collection & Center for Bio-Ethical Reform.
“As Holly says these words, a graphic image of an aborted baby is shown, courtesy of the Grantham Collection & Center for Bio-Ethical Reform.”
I don’t know who the Grantham whatever is, but it’s not a still image. The baby was still moving when it was recorded on video.
While Fiorina was not technically correct, it’s difficult to be pedantic and hold the audience’s attention at the same time.
The video in question has an eyewitness whose testimony on camera exactly matches what Fiorina said.