No they were not. The beach was there first. No one can own the ocean or the ground it covers. This also applies to most waterways. It also applies indirectly to the common law principle of free transit. The right to move across others properties such as roadways and paths.
Research our common law heritage with regards to how our English and German forbearers handled the king and upper classes restrictions on mobility and uses of waterways.
Ignore my Private Property signs and No Trespassing signs and walk across my lawn and I’ll show you some “Common Law”. I’m no king to speak of for sure, but I DO rule over what I’ve worked hard for and pay waaaaay too many tax $$$$ to keep ! It’d be good eatin’ fer the dogs too ;o)
Just this past week-end, some canoer’s thought my camp outhouse was for public use - you could literally see the pee dripin’ from her shorts as she was running back towards the river with “Hammer” right on her trail. No respect for folks private property anymore.
Yes, I realize this has nothing to do with the Pacific ocean or overpaid actors. Just in a sharing mood today.
Snoot ;o)