After she was released.
Great timing.
They were at the Bundy ranch armed last year, could get interesting.
Hopefully she will right her wrong and get the heck out of the DemoRat party...
They can start by printing the names and addresses of those thug “marshals” that put handcuffs and shackles on the Christian woman. The day will come when they will have to answer for their crimes. Saying excuses that they were just following the orders of a tyrannical homosexual judge will not cut it.
She needs to sue the judge for false imprisonment.
Off topic, but did her husband REALLY have to perpetuate Kentucky stereotypes by wearing overalls and a floppy straw hat? C’mon man. KY gets a bad rep as it is, and the whole nation is focused on this debacle...don’t give the haters any more ammunition than they already have!
Don’t play “Eye of the Tiger” while doing it. And I think they’ll find the U.S. Marshals are not the BLM.