Testicular lock box?
LAPDOG LANNY WONT BELIEVE IT BUT THIS HAS CRIMINAL IMPLICATIONS A cabinet-level government employee using their own server and personal e-mail exclusively is unheard of.
<><> the US govt tech system is really fussyparticularly about emails from the US State Dept.
<><> a govt official (particularly the Secy of State) cannot simply buy a brand new computer with licenses and programs and expect to have it certified.
<><> US govt officials are required to have a government-purchased computer, set up by the govt, utilizing a CACC card cleared technician.
<><> a high government official (particularly the Secy of State) to utilize day to day a non-government computer for communications in the performance of their job is in violation of security laws in dozens of ways.
<><> whether marked as such, all emails emanating from Hillarys private server are classified ntl security data.
It is considered a crime for ex-govt employees to possess ntl security emails. All ntl security material belongs to the American people and is to be turned over upon termination of employment.
Ntl security info transferred from the State Dept and stored in The Clinton Foundation server is an atrocity.