The Arab mind and the non-Israeli parts of that region pay no attention to the truth. We can say that in the Middle East, the TRUTH IS IRRELVANT.
Arabs and the permananet-victimhood-oriented Paleostinans care nothing for the truth. They hide it from themselves and the rest of the world everyday. The cause sympahty-provoking headlines everyday. They lie, cheat, steal, murder, rape and do more than that to themselves and there own people. Anything that can make the Jews and Israelis look bad, they will do. The important propaganda impact they have is with headlines the West snatches up immediately only to be proven false time and time again. The truth means nothing but the headline from any morning making the Israelis look like they poisoned the Kingpin of Terrorism, (who died from AIDS after a lifetime of pedophilia) is the key. Make the Israelis into monsters while their Arab brothers drop barrel bombs and Sarin gas on each other - that will score you points with the Liberal West.
Arafart was a scum-sucking millionaire who won the Nobel Peace Prize for a feat he never really had any intention of carrying out, namely, making peace. May he not Rest in Peace!