Walker’s not my candidate, I prefer a conservative. That, by default, excludes liberal Donald Trump.
“Walkers not my candidate, I prefer a conservative. That, by default, excludes liberal Donald Trump.”
As a Cruz guy does it hurt your heart to see all these Trumpsters attaching Cruz’s name to Trump as a VP choice?
And does it bother you that Cruz’s sole strategy right now to to cozy up to Trump in hope that he crashes and burns and so he (Cruz) can snipe Trumps support?
That’s fine, I can understand people doubting his stances on issues.
I don’t know for a fact if he is telling me the truth or not.
I do know for a fact that the GOP is lying to me all day long, every single day though.
I don’t even really know what the practical result of someone being a “conservative” even means anymore.
There is no record of success to speak of at all. Just nothing.
Trump says he will build the Great Wall of Trump, I say let ‘em.
He can’t possibly fail any worse than every other “conservative” outside of Reagan has failed.