This is why I am still not totally trusting of Trump in that I can see a scenario where Jebbie’s big donors bought Trump to lure Cruz and aid in his destruction.
>> Jebbies big donors bought Trump
You’d need to connect the dots before I’d buy into that vague and strange idea.
Who exactly are these donors that would “buy” Trump? And with what? He’s already got more money than he knows what to do with.
And why exactly would donors who really want Jeb to win back a Donald Trump to the point that is relegating their preferred candidate to single digit numbers? Just doesn’t make sense to me.
Blame Cruz for Trump’s talk on single payer and on and on and on and on and on and on?
That’s the ticket!
Yeah and yet to my disappointment I recently found out that Cruz has a wife who is a big time player in the Global elite game. Pretty creepy as well.
So our choice is to go with El Yebe or Trump.
I’ll give Trump the benefit of the doubt.
The Republicans have broken all their promises. there is no reason they won’t again.
I have nothing to lose by going with Trump.