Who is Michael Brown?
How many voters have ever heard of him?
Brownie is doing a great job!
Serious, did you even bother to read the article? He is not running for any office
He’s a Messianic Jew, a Christ follower. If you’ve ever heard of Sid Roth, another Messianic Jew who has a fairly large radio and TV ministry, I think Brown and Roth are buds. They are both O.K. in my book.
I cringed a little that Brown would “buttonhole” Trump about his relationship with God in a public setting such as this letter. OTOH, if there’s anything Trump (and all of us) need, it’s a close relationship with God, through His Son, the Lord Jesus Christ. So, if Trump ever even SEES this letter, let him be buttonholed, and let the Holy Spirit deal with him. It’s important.