Guess what? The GOPe created Trump. Without the go-along, get-along establishment ignoring the base REPEATEDLY, dismissing conservatives as relics or as ill-informed for such insults to our political system as...wanting the law of the land to be obeyed, and wanting politicians who campaigned on a platform of opposing Obama to actually, you know, OPPOSE Obama...for doing this they have EARNED Donald Trump.
Trump may not be the perfect messenger to communicate the frustration of the people of this country with the establishment (GOP and Dem) that is running this country into the ground, but he is damned sure the most effective...and that may earn him free rent at 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue for 4 or 8 years. I'm not a Trump guy (Cruz is my favorite, still), but Trump's willingness to take on EVERYONE is moving me in his direction. I know that this country is in grave danger of ceasing to exist as we've known it, and while Trump is far from perfect he also knows it and has a huge interest in reversing our current direction. FUGOPe!
Jeb said he is not and angry candidate... If he is not angry he is not paying attention.