Obama is just as guilty as Hillary when it comes to her using a private email account. Unless he and her never communicated. And that is a possibility.
He put her in as SOS to keep her from running against him in 2012. She had to take the offer. If she hadn’t the Clintons would have been persona non grata in the democrat party.
The FBI department running the investigation on her is the same department that investigates espionage. I read on a CNN site that it’s customary for that department to investigate serious security leaks. I think they are matching up political favors and donors to the Global Clinton Fund. And to centralize the investigation at the home office means they have their finest digging through the evidence.
It’s a sad state of affairs when the Democratic party nominates a candidate under federal investigation, and the majority of the party circles around her and claims it’s all a RW conspiracy, while the fbi is carrying boxes out of the State Department at Lorettal Lynchs request. 3 federal departments are investigating Hillary now. Will they have a 4th soon? DHS? CIA? NSA?
And yet the blind sheep of the Democrat party claims “Its because she’s a woman they are going after her”. The mentality of the Democrat party has put the entire nation at a security risk