I think he’s teachable on this matter. In his circle, PP is wonderful. Most Americans are completely ignorant of what PP does, where it came from and what it’s goals truly are. My own Mother, bless her soul, was the same way. I gave her a book about Sanger and after she read it, her eyes started opening.
>>I think hes teachable on this matter. In his circle, PP is wonderful.<<
In “his circle,” as you write, Planned Parenthood is wonderful. You can actually write that without it giving you pause? Why is PP wonderful in “his circle”? Who does he relate to? Who does he have drinks with?
He’s 69 years old, hangs around with a circle of friends that support the likes of Planned Parenthood, and “he’s teachable”? Seriously?
Get a grip. Trump is more Democrat than he is Republican, a fact becoming more obvious by the day. He’s just conning another group of suckers by saying what they want to hear. Yes, suckers. He puts P.T. Barnum to shame.
Fortunately, they’re honest suckers, unlike the parasites that latch onto Hillary and refuse to vet her. Trump’s followers will drop off one by one, embarrassed that they were conned, but they will drop, rather than doubling down and joining the con like the Dems do.