About grooming and raping in the USA—Fox News did a story several years ago about a pretty young 13 year old blond American girl who was about to be shipped off to Pakistan to be married to a relative of her Pakistani step father. Her disgusting mother married this creepy guy and accepted the deal of sending her own daughter into captivity in Pakistan. Both the mother and the step father made my flesh crawl.
This young girl was thankfully rescued by an uncle who took her away from her mother and hid her. Her mother called the police saying that her daughter had been kidnapped. The police investigated, found the uncle and the girl and finally learned the truth and the girl was saved.
This story was so frightening as so many people from strange muslim cultures are coming into this country in large numbers. They form relationships with Americans, have children with them or they can become close to American children. I truly hate the cult of multiculturalism.
That is just the one story we know about.
The muslin world is more secretive than the Masons.
Multiculturalism is a weed that needs to be pulled out by the roots.
Eradicated, burnt and never allowed to exist again.