The media turned politics into reality television, and now a bona fide reality television star, who understands how the game is played, has them flummoxed. He knows he is playing the "villain", but guess what? The villain gets the ratings! As long as he gets all of the attention, he harms the other candidates who are spending money to get their message out.
Well, he's on 3 of 4 Sunday shows. I don't understand how that relates to "No publicity is bad publicity"
You’re kidding, right?
Trump has just faced 36 straight hours of being pilloried in the town square. He has been chastised and criticized across the political spectrum. Every single political PR person would tell him that the last thing he needs to do is go on a show like this, where the sharks in the media smell fresh blood, and run the risk of making things worse.
But what he has done is throw all of that back in their face. It doesn’t matter what they do to him. It doesn’t matter how big of an ambush or how nasty and critical they make him appear, he understands publicity in a show-business sense and that is how he is running his campaign.
When others would shy away from publicity at this point, he puts himself on the three biggest shows out there.