Vacationers don’t have any respect for people or property. Just a few minutes ago, a dad drove his boat up to the neighbor’s dock and let his 4 kids run around the yard and go up on top of their boat house, open the gate and jump off half a dozen times before he saw me. Imagine if a kid got hurt and he’d have sued the property owner. Fishermen are always roaming around on our docks, leaving fish guts and pizzing. Un-freakin’ believable.
We have a boat in a marina in Ventura Ca. Unfortunately there are 2 hotels right beside the marina. I am forever telling people no, they can’t use our bathrooms and running them out of our locked gates that lead down to our docks. They’ll grab the gate to keep it from closing when a resident goes out and act like they’re supposed to be here. You can tell they’re not. I tell them to get out rather rudely.