“Strike-anywhere matches are now contraband?”
No, Janet Napolitano once put out a flyer to law enforcement explaining what to look for in a domestic terrorist, and it included buying in bulk at Army-Navy stores, paying cash, and buying “survivalist supplies” like strike-anywhere or waterproof matches. Oh and a Gadsden flag or Ron Paul bumper sticker, iirc.
Then I guess my US/Israeli flag sticker with “Genesis 12-3” on it makes me a subversive too.
With all the wrecks & backed up traffic lately on I-24, I-65, I-40 etc, it helps to carry some “prep” supplies for a long wait on interstate. Now we can add traffic lockdown for suspected terrorist activity. Wonderful.
I now carry a CB radio; trucker reports have enabled me to detour several “long parking lot” backups.