Trump’s position seems to be the traditional capitalist Republican position pre-911.
Immigration enforcement should focus on the undesireables:
Murderers, rapists, DUI drivers
Welfare seekers. No immigrant, legal, illegal or naturalized citizen should come here for taxpayer funded welfare. Even applying for welfare should be grounds for enforcement. When a person applies for a visa, and then for citizenship, the wannabe has to swear that he will not be indigent. He often needs a financially reliable “sponsor”.
The above is 10% or 1.1 million on whom enforcement should focus.
God bless the immigrants who work, take care of their family, and don’t seek welfare, wich is about 90%.
In his book he wants to do away with anchor babies...and a merit system for legal...Only people who will help the country....
Haven’t you said recently that you, personally, are responsible for bringing in illegal immigrants?